
UQBC has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status, which means you can make a donation and it is tax deductible.

Donate to a project/program at UQBC

Some projecst you may consider sponsoring (it must be a dedicated program or project - you cannot just donate funds that are not allocated to something specific) are the Brown Snake Rowing Omnium or the Convict Chase. If you are interested in contributing to the purchase of a boat you can nominate the boat.

We recommend that whilst you consider which project you would like to support, pour yourself a double gin and tonic or good red to ponder, then donate generously and often!!!

Hint: The Brown Snake and the Convict Chase are events that UQBC hosts in September and November respectively. We are very happy to accept donations that can also be considered a sponsorship.... So that we set this up for mutual advantage (the goal of a good sponsorship), please contact Rachael 

Contact Richard Edmonds for more details on the Australian Sports Foundation and keep him in the loop if you are donating for any of our projects at UQBC. e|


The official name is the UQBC Foundation & the banking details are:

Acc name: UQBC Foundation


Acc #: 20897357

Ref: Last name and project you are donating to (e.g. Brown Snake, Convict Chase, boat purchase, )


Anything over $2 is tax deductible and Richard needs an email with the following details in order to issue a tax receipt

Donor name(s):



Reason for donation: (e.g. - BROWN SNAKE or the Convict Chase)

Bequests are also a valuable way of contributing to the ongoing strength of the club and its ability to impact more people in a meaningful way. Please contact for more detail in this space.



ACN   606 138 587 

ABN    83 606 138 587



We Support